· <E· <4· <4· <E· <(<E· <E· <(<E· <(<E· <'<E· <E· < E· <"E· <% <%9(· <& <&9)· <'E*· <( <(E+· <) <)E,· <*E-· <+E.· <, <,E/· <-E0· <. <.E1· </ !</E2· <0 "<0E3· <1 #· <2 $· <3 %<3-√4<3E4· <5 &· <6 '· <7E5· <8E6· <9E7· <;E■F1· <<C9· <=C:· <² <ⁿ2 < E>· <6?· <6@· <EA· <(B<EC· <ED· <(E<EF· <EG· <EH· <EI· <EJ· <6K· <!6L· <#6M· <%6N· <'EO· <)EP· <² ⁿ1 SCHEDULE F# FARM INCOME AND EXPENSES# 1988 * 14· (Form 1040)# 3OMB No. 1545-0074· # >SSN: {■C1{F■C2· #*P· A. Principal Product:# $B. Code: {{E· · C. Accounting Method: Cash [ ] Accrual [ ] D. Employer Id: {,1{,2{B· # GYes No· E. Did you previously elect to incl commodity loan credit as income ? [ ] [ ] {I,Y{N,N· F. Did you materially participate in operation of farm in 1988?#. [ ] [ ] {I,Y{N,N· G. Do you elect to deduct preproductive period expenses#.[ ] N/A [ ] [ ] {@,_{@, {I,Y{N,N· #-P· PART I. FARM INCOME - CASH METHOD· #-P· 1. Sales of livestock and other items bought for resale #. 1| {E· 2. Cost or other basis of items bought for resale #. 2| {E · 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 #. 3| {E
· 4. Sales of livestock, produce, and other products raised #. 4| {E· 5a. Total distributions recvd from co-ops#. 5a.# | {7· b. Less: Non-income items #. 5b.# | {7· 6. Net distributions. Subtract line 5b from line 5a #. 6| {E· 7a. Total agricultural program payments #. 7a.# | {7· b. Taxable amount of line 7a #.! 7b| {E· 8a. Commodity Credit Corp loans reported under election#. 8a| {E· b. CCC loans forfeited or repaid #. 8b.# | {7· c. Taxable amount of line 8b#." 8c| {E· 9a. Crop insurance proceeds received in 1988 ...9a.# | {7· b. Taxable amount of line 9a#." 9b| {E· 9c. Check if defer to 1989...[ ]. Amount deferred from 1987... 9c| {{E· 10. Custom hire (machine work) income#. 10| {E· 11. Other income .+ .......................................... 11| {E· 12. Gross Income. Add lines 3,4,6, and 7b-11, or use Pt III.... 12| {E· #-B|#-· PART II. FARM DEDUCTIONS:# )|· #-B|#-· 13. Breeding Fees #.13|# | 25a Labor hired#. 25| {{E(· 14. Chemicals #. 14|# | b Jobs credit#.25b| {{E)· 15. Conservation exp...15|# | c Subtract#.25c| {{E*· 16. Custom hire#.16|# | 26. Pension plans#.26| {{E+· 17. Depr & Sec 179#.17|# | 27. Rent#.27| {{E,· 18. Employee bene pgms.18|# | 28. Repairs, maint#.28| { {E-· 19. Feed purchased#.19|# | 29. Seeds & plants#.29| {!{E.· 20. Fertilizers & lime.20|# | 30. Storage#.30| {"{E/· 21. Freight trucking...21|# | 31. Supplies#.31| {#{E0· 22. Gasoline, fuel#.22|# | 32. Taxes#.32| {${E1· 23. Insurance#.
23|# | 33. Utilities#.33| {%{E2· 24. Interest:# |# | 34. Veterinary fees#.34| {E3· a.Paid to bank#.24|# | 35. Other expenses#.35| {&{E4· b.Other#.25|# |# _+4 __________________| {'· # |# |# ______________________|· #-B|#-· 36. Deductions from Part II. Add lines 13 through 35#.36| {E5· 37. Preproductive expenses that are capitalized#.37| {E6· 38. Total deductions. Subtract line 37 from line 36#.38| {E7· #-B|#-· 39. Net farm profit (or loss allowed)#.| {E■F1· 40. If loss, check box that describes# 40a [ ] All is at risk {19· your investment in this activity #. 40b [ ] Some is not at risk {1:· #*P· AM Software H838# For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions· ² ⁿ2 SCHEDULE F (Form 1040) 1988# /Page 2· #*P· # >SSN: {■C1{F■C2· #*P· PART III. FARM INCOME - ACCRUAL METHOD· #-P· 41. Sales of livestock, produce and other products #. 41. {E>· · 42a Total distributions received from co-ops #. 42a. {E?· · b Less: Non-income items#." 42a. {E@· · 43. Net distributions (line 42a less line 42b) #. 43. {EA· · 44a Total agriculture pgm payments..44a.|#
|Taxable. 44b. {*B{EC· · 45a Commodity Credit Corporation loans#. 45a. {ED· · b CCC loans forfeited or repaid...45b.|#
|Taxable. 45c. {*E{EF· · 46. Crop insurance proceeds#.! 46. {EG· · 47. Custom hire (machine work) income#. 47. {EH· · 48. Other income .+I ....................................... 48. {EI· · 49. Total. Add lines 41 and 43 through 48#. 49. {EJ· · 50. Inventory at beginning of year#. 50. {7K· · 51. Cost of livestock, grains purchased#. 51. {7L· · 52. Add lines 50 and 51#. 52. {7M· · 53. Inventory at end of year#. 53. {7N· · 54. Cost of livestock, grains, and other products sold#. 54. {EO· · 55. Gross income. Subtract line 54 from 49#. 55. {EP· #*P· AM Software H838# For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions· ²